Podcast Launch Strategy

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Q: Hi Chris, Do you have plans to have deals here for Mastering the Podcast Game course?

I already know the basics of launching a podcast and have one of my own (and I saw this current deal you have here after a few months of launching, ouch). After checking, I saw on your website that there's another much deeper course I should enroll in. But I was just wondering if you plan to offer discounted deals. Thanks!

ma._teresaMay 1, 2024
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey, Ma.Teresa, good news. I submitted the Mastering The Podcast Game course to AppSumo a few weeks ago and we are just sorting out some kinks. Hopefully the course will be live soon at a better deal for you. "Great minds think alike."

Congrats on your launch! What's your podcast about? Please feel free to connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chris.cownden.1 to continue the conversation. You are more than welcome to join our private community to get more insights. :)

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Posted: May 2, 2024

I love it. Thanks! It's a podcast for mothers, but only for Filipinas because the language is in our native language, Filipino. That is why I cannot recommend it to your English audience. But I'd love to connect. I've seen the preview of this course. You have a vast community, and Filipinos are not left out. I see one of my own there. I'd love to buy this course because I know I will learn much from you. Thank you for sharing this course here on Appsumo.