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Member since: May 2021Deals bought: 35
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 15, 2023

Much better than competitors

It is my best appsumo purchase till date. Easy to use and lots of email delivery integrations.
It is also working nice for rtl languages so anyone writing Hebrew or Arabic can use Postsheet.
Just title is not in rtl direction but body is in rtl direction for rtl languages just like gmail.
It would be nice to have some options like:
1. Translating Unsubscribe sentence to another language.
2. Adding a user to subscribers list if a user unsuscribes but then changes her/his mind. I was playing with Postsheet and unsuscribed myself to see the functionality and now I am the first unsubscriber and can not add myself back to subscribers list.
I hope this product will be developed further but still in its present stage it is already amazing and functional.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you Sharif for the review, it is much appreciated!

The Unsubscribe prompt into another change language and resubscribe are great feature requests, so we will work on those. (I just removed your own email from the unsubscribe list, so please try to see if that is now working).

Please keep providing feedback and product improvement requests as it will only help us improve.

