Hello, Could I have a Power Formula automatically calculate numbers from a form or email leads which then I can place the results from the formula into a nice looking grid with four rows and columns? Thank you
Workflow: 1. I provide the product link in Gsheets (column a) 2. It gathers the following data columns -Manufacturer -Product Name -Price -Features -Description -Specs -Download product images and video to Gdrive folder for each product.
Not every product has these specific fields of information so it would be up to an AI model to decide where to fill in each column of information.
A: Hi, if there is one single page that contains all the information, it is possible to as the AI model to extract informaiton such as Manufacturer and price. However, it is not possible to download product images and videos to Gdrive with Power Formulas. THanks
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the new Open AI models like o1 and o3 mini are missing and for Vision o1 is really imporant? When do you update?
Also could you please integrate Perplexity API? So we can use Websearch with that?
Else I think i need to refund with these outdates Modells.
A Bonus would be Straico and this should be fairly easy to integrate and with one api call you call alsways have all models like perplexity, gemini and all with one API:
A: Hi we are testing the new models from OpenAI and these models will be available in our next update. We will look into Perplexity and Straico and see if they fit into our AI formula. For now, you can use the =API() function to connect to these APIs.
Share Power Formulas: Use ChatGPT & AI in Google Sheets
A: Hi, these services are supported by our =API() formula and not inclided in the AI formulas. It's possible to call these services using the API formula following their documentations.
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Q: replace a calculator at Jotform
Hello, Could I have a Power Formula automatically calculate numbers from a form or email leads which then I can place the results from the formula into a nice looking grid with four rows and columns? Thank you
Share Power Formulas: Use ChatGPT & AI in Google Sheets
Q: Scraping product data
Can this be use to accomplish the following?
1. I provide the product link in Gsheets (column a)
2. It gathers the following data columns
-Product Name
-Download product images and video to Gdrive folder for each product.
Not every product has these specific fields of information so it would be up to an AI model to decide where to fill in each column of information.
Mar 4, 2025A: Hi, if there is one single page that contains all the information, it is possible to as the AI model to extract informaiton such as Manufacturer and price. However, it is not possible to download product images and videos to Gdrive with Power Formulas. THanks
Share Power Formulas: Use ChatGPT & AI in Google Sheets
Q: Update to Models and Perplexity?
the new Open AI models like o1 and o3 mini are missing and for Vision o1 is really imporant? When do you update?
Also could you please integrate Perplexity API? So we can use Websearch with that?
Else I think i need to refund with these outdates Modells.
A Bonus would be Straico and this should be fairly easy to integrate and with one api call you call alsways have all models like perplexity, gemini and all with one API:
Feb 14, 2025A: Hi we are testing the new models from OpenAI and these models will be available in our next update. We will look into Perplexity and Straico and see if they fit into our AI formula. For now, you can use the =API() function to connect to these APIs.
Share Power Formulas: Use ChatGPT & AI in Google Sheets
Q: Straico and Openrouter coming?
Feb 7, 2025A: Hi, these services are supported by our =API() formula and not inclided in the AI formulas. It's possible to call these services using the API formula following their documentations.
Share Power Formulas: Use ChatGPT & AI in Google Sheets
Q: Is it possible without BYOK? If yes what is the limitation?
question see above
Jan 29, 2025A: Hi, Power Formulas is a BYOK product and you have to provide the corresponding API key to use the AI models.
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