Power Personas

Product details

Q: Hi, what policies and measures do you have in place for privacy, data security and intellectual property?

1. Are you GDPR compliant?
2. Is the information or interactions I share with AI confidential and only accessible to me?
3. Who owns the data created using your software - both input and AI generated output?
4. Is our data or generated content used to train, advertise, or for any other purpose? - Is there a risk of this content being used to respond to another user?
5. Do you store or sell user data to third parties?
6. Do you have any encryption protocols in place?

The protection of personal data is crucial for a lot of businesses, especially with strategy and planning, so any information you can provide would be much appreciated. :)

AppsumelPLUSJun 7, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 7, 2024

A: Hi Appsumel,

Thanks for asking. We understand your concerns and hope the following answers address any concerns you might have.

As a way of giving you a blanket answer (before addressing each questions individually), our goal is to provide you with a tool you can use to better understand and engage your customers, no matter who they are. Our interests is on the audience side, not what you are selling or who you are targeting. (Provided your actions comply with applicable local laws and aren't being used for nefarious purposes.) We don't use your data for anything other than to provide inputs for our algorithms and generative systems, which aren't shared with outside parties.

To answer your individual questions:

1. You can find GDPR compliance documentation here, which is provided by our service provider: https://support.wix.com/en/article/general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr#
2. Your interactions and information are confidential and only accessible to you, your collaborators (if you have any) and our support team, if necessary, (with protocols in place to prevent unauthorized access).
3. The inputs are yours. The outputs are yours to use, but are the result of our algorithms and generative IP, so while you couldn't use them train a competitive product, you could use them in ChatGPT, Mistral, Anthropic, etc. prompts, as part of a knowledge base for your sales, marketing, or CX teams, etc. If you have a specific use case you're concerned about, please let us know.
4. Generated content is not used to for any other purpose than to provide you with audience insights. It's not used for training data or advertising...
5. ...or sold, or licensed or made available to outside parties.
6. Here we'll refer you to our service provider: "Our data in transit encryption uses HTTPS, TLS 1.2+ and automatic SSL, while data at rest uses AES-256—the strongest encryption standard commercially available."

Please let us know if you have additional questions.


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