Power Personas

Product details

Q: Why did you build another product?

When was the last time this product was updated? What is the difference and value of this product and your new product? Basically, why should we buy it if you have a new product?

yumeconsultsPLUSJun 29, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 29, 2024

A: HI,

Thanks for asking.

The product was updated in mid-May of 2024. The difference between this product and CMO Copilot is that Power Personas is solely focused on generating buyer personas, where CMO Copilot offers a wider range of profile types (buyer, user and ideal customer for B2B) and -- this is the big difference -- then uses those profiles to generate personalized marketing, sales and UIUX content in different languages. While there is some overlap in functionality, the uses cases for each of the products are different enough to merit two platforms.

It's also worth nothing that there are Power Persona uses who already have ChatGPT, Claude, copy.ai, etc. and can get "good enough" personalized content that way.

There are free versions of both products, so you can try them and see for yourself. If you like Power Personas, you can buy it here. If you like CMO Copilot, you can use the coupon code "AppSumoDiscount50" to get a half-price subscription (and lock in the lower price before it goes up).

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Posted: Jun 29, 2024

Okay so you branched off and sold a "good enough" product, realized that you needed to be fiscally solvent, so you're trying to resell the higher product now at half price monthly to AppSumo users?