Power Personas

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Member since: Feb 2020Deals bought: 1399
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Feb 22, 2023

Power Persona has Potential Power

If you understand marketing, then you know it's 90% psychology. That's what my marketing professor kept telling me when I wanted to drop the major because it was so dull. Fast forward 27 years later, and here we are with more boring stuff. It is like pulling teeth. It hurts, and fortunately, Power Persona makes it easy to do. It will not be an easy fix to putting together a framework for personas, but it sure is rewarding. If you are a true digital marketer trying to unlock buyer behavior and need help putting the psychographics together. Like do they prefer Starbucks over Dunkin Donuts, then this tool can help you. Unfortanly probably less than 15% of the Sumolings will see the real power of this tool because it is not fancy or shiny. Here is a hint. Shuuu... If you mix this in with ChatGPT and CrawlQ you will be nearly unstoppable in an economy that continues to contract due to inflation. Where people are holding on to every little free available dollar they have to spend. I did a short video walkthrough of the tool here if you want to check it out.


+ Attention to detail went into this program
+ Helps to create a framework from scratch
+ Can be added as a resellable service as a consultant (today)

- Worksheets and documents could be more digital-friendly
- More video training in what some of the documents do and why they are important

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank for the great review. Your use-case insights are spot on!

Separately, we are working on both additional training documentation and making things more digital-friendly, which we plan on releasing later this year.
