Q: Are radio-button and checkbox items in price list planned?

Here is a sample use-case: let's say I'm a Web Developer that wants to offer their customers the option of signing up for "monthly" or "yearly" service subscriptions. They have to select either one or the other - i.e., this would be a 'radio button' option.

Then, there are upsell add-ons that the customer may choose to add to their package: SEO, content creation, etc. These would be 'checkbox' options, that the customer can include or exclude from the final pricing.

igorcoutoPLUSSep 3, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

A: Thank you for the feedback. That's an interesting suggestion and this interactive approach is something that we've already discussed internally. However, it is not on the roadmap as of yet. Reason is that Propoze was created for the later stage of the sales process where all of the options are already negotiated. I'll add it to the review and let you know if we get it into the roadmap. You can find the link to the roadmap on our website.

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Posted: Sep 3, 2024

Thank you for the quick response! I'm sincerely surprised that these dynamic, user-selectable options are not yet on your roadmap: they are essential for building proposals for any business that offers "bundle packages", subscription plans, optional add-ons, upgrades and upsells. Having them would put you in direct competition with the 'big boys' of proposal platforms — I hope you'll add them!

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