Q: Excellent proposal software at this price. May i know more about the developers?

Can i know more about the development team? How big is the team? What is your long term plan? Are you a funded company ? How old is the company? A brief background would be helpful.

In addition , i have a few questions:

1. Please allow to add brand in the proposal. A company sells different brand products. So brand name and brand description field would be very helpful.
2. Please integrate smtp integration so that when client is selected and proposal is sent, the proposal goes both via email body and as email attachment.
3. If developer allows multi company support via single login, it would help agencies.
4. Can Javascript insertion be allowed in proposal page? This would help to insert code related to chat app or heatmaps, analytics etc.

PotionsTeacherPLUSSep 1, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

A: Our team is small, with fewer than 10 people, but as part of a larger agency, we can always scale up as needed. The focus is on delivering high-quality, user-friendly proposals. The long-term plan involves continuously evolving Propoze by adding new features and ensuring it remains competitive and valuable. Being self-funded gives us the flexibility to adapt quickly to user needs. Propoze started a little over 6 years ago as an internal tool for our design and development agency. From day one, the goal has been to help businesses create better proposals, having seen firsthand the significant impact they can have on sales.

1. Brand Field in Proposals: Already answered that one in the previous reply, but I just want to reiterate that we’re considering this feature seriously and appreciate your input!

2. SMTP Integration: This ties into a bigger picture of brand customization that we’re already working on. Stay tuned—exciting things are coming!

3. Multi-Company Support: It’s a great idea, and we’ll definitely look into how we can make it happen. This ties into the team acount already in the works.

4. JavaScript Insertion in Proposals: Why didn’t we think of that sooner? This is exactly why we appreciate the Appsumo community. Your feedback is invaluable, and we’ll be exploring this suggestion further.

Thanks again for your feedback!

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