Push Lap Growth

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Q: Cancel After Payments & Months

Hello - I was confused by the section of the video where you discussed Payments & Months.

1. Could you please explain each of these options in greater detail? Maybe provide some examples.

2. My website has a monthly subscription option. Can I provide affiliates with commissions on each subscription they generate a) in perpetuity, b) can I limit them to only 12 months, and/or c) can I have tiers - 25% in Yr 1, and 10% thereafter in perpetuity?

admin066Sep 5, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 5, 2024

A: Hey, sorry for the confusion.
1. There are two options:
- Cancel after payments: Some businesses have irregular payment schedules, or have extra payments that a client makes to them other than a monthly subscription fee, this option allows you to stop paying out an affiliate after the first X payments the customer makes, within the timeline you set in the second option
- Cancel after months: Mostly popular in cases of regular subscriptions, it means you stop paying out affiliates after a certain number of months.
Note: You can set both to "no limit" to pay in perpetuity. You could also set either to "no limit" to let the other one take precedence.
2. a) Yes you can do that by setting both options I listed above to "no limit"
b) Yes, you just set the "cancel after months" option to "12 months" and set the "cancel after how many payments" option to "no limit"
c) We currently do not have a Tier system (still working on it) but you can set custom commissions for each affiliate.
I'd be happy to get on a call with you and explain further. You can click "book demo" on the site here https://pushlapgrowth.com

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