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Member since: Mar 2017Deals bought: 119
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Jun 20, 2024

So far, so good, but is there a QApop community?

Entry: 2-Code User.

Score: 4/5 currently (B, above average AppSumo performance)

Rationale: I had no problem getting the platform to work, started actively using the features, and have received my daily notification emails.

What would make this a 5-taco deal? Solve concerns about longevity based on crickets communication (YT uploads 2 years old, Changelog "New Update" 1 year old, LinkedIn multi-years old).

An active community of users (Discord, Slack, Facebook, etc.) goes a long way to keep the community of early adopters' faith in the product alive - or to help interested but novice users transition toward expert brand ambassadorship. If people aren't actively discussing it and eagerly asking for it to keep improving, then it feels dead or dying. But maybe it's just because there's no frictionless communication - "email" and "send in" support tickets and "complete this form" FEELS like code for we can't or won't invest more (asymmetrical information advantage being used against customers/users rather than for them). Perhaps the best communities I'm aware of from AppSumo are Robomotion and Castmagic. They amplify the heck out of their product's value. Magic Bookifier's community is useful in keeping aflame a light that has often seemed to be dimming. Spoken (Rumble Studio) is another with a deeply interested community in the product's longevity, and the platform continues to operate decently, which makes a big difference.

I'm hoping for some updated channels on whether this (QApop) is a purchase for the existing functionality only or a purchase for "this+future." Again, the existing product works. My concern is that this is what it may be forever, and nothing more. I'm not sure - or whether it really should matter - because there isn't communication to help me make up my mind. Furthermore, my experience is that only products/services with communities have an outsized capacity to generate good ideas for future development when the founder doesn't.

Founder Team


Jun 26, 2024

Thanks for all the good feedback, Fourscene! We'll consider starting a Discord or Slack community of users!
