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Q: Demo page missing

I don't understand why almost none of the apps on AppSumo have a functioning demo page which would allow me to test it out within 3 minutes and then make a decision if it works for me.

QualityHive is to allow customers to provide feedback. Why isn't there a demo page we as customers can just provide feedback for that dummy page, easily, quickly and without registering and receiving emails forever.

This is a plea to you, AppSumo and all the other apps on here. Thank you

patrickwPLUSFeb 12, 2025
Founder Team


Edited Feb 12, 2025

A: Hi Patrick,

There is a free trial available on our website with no card required. This would allow you to test the platform within minutes and in-full. You can sign up for a free trial using your Google account in 2 clicks which takes seconds.

We understand the value of a public "fake" demo however, you will not be able to interact or see the full benefits of the platform with a fake demo due to the need to store data for the full platform to be interacted with.

Regarding other apps on AppSumo, I'd recommend getting in touch with their support as it's not something we'll be able to help with.

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