Q: is this similar to uspastel and markup.io?
do you have the feature like markup, where you put the url and it creates a mockup editorial link? I like the way they have it and it makes it easy to add notes to projects
Dec 3, 2024A: Hi NC23,
This is actually how we're going to be running our Guest Support which is due to go live in the next week or so! You'll be able to share a special review link with your clients / testers which they can use to rapidly raise feedback using the widget with no signin requirement or need for registering and taking up a user slot.
good to know. because some other tools force clients to create an account to download a chrome extentsion, etc. which no one will do
Is this feature available yet?
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Hi NC23 & heightencreative
I'm pleased to announce that our guest support is now live!
Check out our getting started guide here, this also includes a Loom explaining how it works and some typical debugging strategies if you get stuck!