Q: Exporting just audio or uploading our own video?

I'm looking to get Tier 3, so a few quick questions about that ...

1) Can we use the 11 labs integrated TTS (either their built-in voices or our voice clone) to simply get an audio track? Or does it require a video?

2) Can we upload a video to use as a video ad (or part of a video ad)? Is there a limit to the length of the video?

3) I know you have said you will integrate the professional voice clone in the coming weeks (thanks for that!) ... however, can you confirm that you would make that available to Tier 3? Seems like a good fit since this is the jump to agency and also where 11 labs is used for the other TTS voices.

Thanks for your time!

DC.techPLUSSep 21, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 21, 2024

A: Hello There,

On 1) You have to use with the video as there are also some optimizations and strong integration with our partners (11labs in this case). You cannot download the audio separately. Our commercial agreement with 11labs (and thus the special pricing) encourage video with audio. We are looking at a later stage to decouple them. And, we also honestly don't want a situation where people are using the platform for just an arbitrage.

On 2) Yes you can upload any video footage for any scene. For as many scenes you want and how many videos you want. No real length limit per footage and most users upload like few seconds. Haven't been a problem. If there is an edge case that doesn;t work for you then please email us on support@quickads.ai

On 3) Yes professional cloning will be done (and I am also excited to bring it). We don't have problem per se in offering it at all levels also but the problem is that 11labs has limited slots for professional cloning and so we have to naturally start from the top (Tier 4/5) and let those users get access to those first. Once those are filled we can ask 11labs for more slots and open up to others. But, if your use case really needs it then mail us on support@quickads.ai and we will see if we can make an exception for you.

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