QuizCube - AI Quiz Generator

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Member since: Apr 2019Deals bought: 202
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Posted: Mar 27, 2024

Can't create account

Hi, I purchased this deal but when entering the codes and my information, I received an error every time I submitted. I closed the browser and did the typical troubleshooting and still couldn't get it working. I went to the site to look for a contact us page but found nothing.

Please advise how I can create my acount with my 3 codes I purchased.

Thank you,

T.J. Waggoner

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi T.J.,

Thanks for reaching out. We have replied to your message through the live chat widget on your dashboard.
Everything seems fine - have you redeemed your codes?
If not, let's keep in touch from the live chat (help) widget.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Best wishes
