Q: Make Role.so a pre-screening system
For us, attracting candidates isn't the issue. The problem we're facing is that out of 400 applications received per position on average, only 3 or 4 meet the criteria mentioned in our job postings. We're therefore wasting considerable time.
Would it be possible (potentially through paid custom development) that during the role.so process, we could ask candidates a series of questions, and role.so would only forward us applications from candidates who responded favorably to the questions asked?
Would it be possible to trigger an automatic email from us to other candidates (those who don't meet all our criteria) x days after their application?
Would it be possible to store applications in a spreadsheet showing each candidate's name and contact information, their answers to our questions, their application date, and their resume?

Feb 13, 2025A: Hi,
Thank you for reaching out with your thoughts and feedback, really appreciate it!
Definitely scope for this! It's actually on the roadmap to add a screening feature. It's one of the things I think will round up nicely the core offering. Furthermore I'm also considering adding de-identification and possible even a ranking system based on custom/preset rules, to make recruiters' life easier.
The platform moves based on feedback, and this will always be the case - so thank you again for sharing your use case and your thoughts on what would work best for you. It will help me shape the product going forward and prioritise things accordingly.