Q: Webhooks and own forms?


I have an applicant system I need candidates to apply through. Can I customize the "I'm interested" link to embed my own form and can I send webhooks to our custom HR system?

Using emails is not scalable for us.

0e0b0dd3f6754365b27f521786b3910bPLUSSep 10, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi,

Yes, you can configure the "I'm interested" button to point to a link of your choice - in your case the applicant system you are using. This way the Role.so candidate pack will serve as top of the funnel and if a candidate is interested they will click-through and land on your ATS capture form (here is a short video demo of this Custom CTA link feature: https://role.so/custom_cta.mp4)

I hope this helps!


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Posted: Sep 10, 2024

Thanks for the quick response Adrian. Ok, so only link for now - and no plans for embedding or webhooks?

Posted: Sep 10, 2024

No worries, happy to help. Correct - for now just a link. There is a plan on the roadmap to allow deeper integration (which will included webhooks, embeddings and direct API integrations to major application tracking systems and other 3rd party tools).