Q: I will like to know who are Users

i will like to know the the difference between users, collaborators, and guest. Because im confuse of how many users i need as a small one man agency

Kofi37961PLUSSep 16, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Hi, thank you for the question. In short, you only need one user total. If you had two people in your agency using the software, you would need two users. A collaborator is someone external to your company who has additional privileges to interact with the room. Additionally, there is the role of a viewer for external people who can only view the content.

Scenario 1:
You're a 1 person company that needs to have 100 customers access the content you created in roombriks.

You would only need 1 license because you can have unlimited amount of customers access your content.

Scenario 2:
You're a 10-person company where all 10 employees need access to create and manage rooms, with over 5,000 guests/customers needing access to the content you've created in Roombriks.

You would need a license for 10 users. You can have unlimited number of customers access your content.

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