Q: HubSpot Companies & Contacts
Last question (I swear! *lol*)
In HubSpot companies and contacts are distinct record types with (usually) a one to many relationship between companies and contacts. Several of the CRMs we looked at do not treat the company that a contact is associated with as a separate record type. In HubSpot we take advantage of this by using custom data fields to help us filter our company records in a number of ways that helps us with segmenting and targeting companies. (we can target specific business types, locations/communities, etc) I am not fully clear if contacts and companies can be managed in a similar fashion in SalesNexus. Can you clarify?
Mar 5, 2025A: Great question! Yes, we have a separate "table" in our database that we call Groups but, many clients use it the way you use Companies in Hubspot or Accounts in Salesforce. Contacts can be linked to Groups, sales pipeline and notes/activity can be rolled up to the Group view, etc.