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Member since: Aug 2020Deals bought: 26
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5 stars
Posted: Oct 22, 2022

story telling interactive website on the way

i've dream to create story telling website that make user interest and continue to scroll the web. i search and found many ways to create animated scroll for website. but it will cost my time to learn javascript or advance css. i know it will improve my knowledge. but with so many things to do i don't think i can make my dream come true in near time.

and come scrollsequence at appsumo. it's like wow, finally my hope to create story telling website will come closer. it's still need time to learn, but take time faster that if i learn animated programming.
just try to create my first scrolling animation, not perfect as rocket animation in scrollsequence website, but still better than static website that usually i make.
still rather confused with how to animated and put in landing page. have problem with chrome mobile. but will learn more how to create more compelling animation.

+ easy to create animated scrolling
+ one of my wishlist since many years ago
+ 1 tier for 10 domain, maybe will take more, but still not sure how many website i need to create with animated scrolling.
+ depend on our creativity to create apple look like website.. unlimited if you have big creative brain.
+ it can be used to promote your product or services with creative ways.

- you still need to know basic html and css.
- no unlimited domain. just limited to tier 3 with 50 domain
- not many example website that already created with scrollsequence

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi Widhibek,

Thank you for your review!

Added a note to add more examples and tutorials online.

