Q: What happen when my Plus member plan expired ?
When I'm not a Plus member yet, Can I continue use this product ?

Nov 1, 2024A: Hey, 6123cfb3fe3644c9b8df0fc53411dd41!
We've talked about this elsewhere, and there's information about this in the FAQ, so please don't hesitate to check out previous answers and your Plus FAQ.
The short answer is, like when you cancel your Netflix subscription or similar and lose access to your media library, you lose access to Plus Exclusives when you cancel Plus. This is true of SendFox Plus Exclusive as well. If you have any questions, please email your Plus support team.

Verified purchaser
Ideally, this wouldn't be labeled an LTD then.

Verified purchaser
Can AppSumo please remove the misleading wording on the features list: "FREE lifetime access to SendFox Tier 1"? It is NOT lifetime access.

Verified purchaser
That’s like saying when you buy a month of Netflix, it’s a lifetime deal. It’s only a lifetime if you die within 30 days.