Q: I am looking for an explanation of how this new license set-up will work, as there is no information on this ...
page or the e-mail sent out by AppSumo.
I have previously bought 2 codes for SendFox. If I want to get license tier 3, to get light branding and 25,000 subscribers, how will that work? Do I have to pay $245 on top of the 2 codes I already bought and stacked? Before, I could just buy one more code, enter it on the SendFox site, and that was it (for 15,000 subscribers and light branding).
Clicking "buy now" under license tier 3, it doesn't know that I previously bought 2 codes.
What will happen if I do that? Will I then have 35,000 subscribers (adding the 25,000 in tier 3 to the 10,000 I already had from stacking)? Do I have to create a whole new SendFox account? Can I buy a 1 tier license similarly to 1 code and stack it on what I already have?
What are the options for people who have already bought and stacked codes?
We really need some more information on how this might work.

May 15, 2024A: Hey, gizmo2501. This is a great question.
I've worked very closely with the AppSumo team over the past month, and they've been working 12-14 hour days on licensing — and there's still a bit missing. It's a massive, massive project.
If you already bought codes, at this time you cannot mix it with a license.
HOWEVER, we do have a solution. Indefinitely on the SendFox website, when you get close to your contact limit, we're going to offer $10 one-time cost for 1,000 more subscribers. This is basically identical to what we offer on AppSumo, but it's broken down into smaller chunks so people can buy 1,000 chunks instead of 5,000 chunks.
Again, this will be indefinite. We're definitely not going to leave the code-based people out to dry, and they'll be able to continue upgrading on contacts directly on SendFox's website.
Hey David,
Thanks for the quick response.
Yes, I've seen on SendFox's site that you can upgrade for $10 per 10,000 contacts. Is there a limit to the number of contacts you can add this way?
I guess the one thing missing would be the light branding offered here. That was previously offered with 3 codes for $147.
Is there a way code-based users can get this light branding added if we upgrade via the SendFox site? Although I understand your reply to suggest that there should be some solution for code-based users to sort this kind of thing in the future?
Thanks again!
David, thank you, this is good. At any point in future, will we be able to bring the total user count using these increments to 25,000?
This is super unfortunate. I too bought the deal from the Sendfox site and would like to take advantage of what's being offered on Appsumo right now so that I have no caps on sends (as opposed to the 50K on the site deal).
Of course, I could junk the previous deal but I now have subscribers who are getting emails from one address and perhaps even more importantly, Sendfox doesn't allow changes in the name associated with the landing smartpage (sendfox.com/myname) so I will have to get all my subscribers used to a different email ID and a different landing page.
Not cool and needs to change. If you can't sort this out within one family, imagine the plight of the Corleones and the Tataglias. Make us an offer we can't refuse.

Verified purchaser
Gonna do some rapid-fire questions here!
gizmo2501 — no limits right now. Pertinent to our terms at sendfox.com/tos. Above 25,000 subscribers, things do start to get a little hairy in costs on our side so that's why we limited to 5 codes in the past, and the license being a max of 25,000 subscribers, too. So there's still a bit we don't know and we're working on solutions.
Executive_Coach-eugen_org — yes, you can bring to 25,000 directly via on-site purchases.
Sumo-ling — misunderstanding here. As long as terms are followed, AppSumo customers get unlimited sends. This still holds true for code-based purchasers from our previous deal, who want to reach 25,000 via on-site purchases now.