Share With Marvin

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Member since: Apr 2023Deals bought: 43
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 18, 2024

Just what I was looking for

I was looking for something to help me manage my personal LinkedIn posts, mainly the ability to create and categorise posts and view my scheduled sends on a Calendar.

Share with Marvin has delivered this and much more and is a lot more powerful than what I currently have any need for. I don't have a need to post across multiple social channels, however this is a core functionality (with validation) that would be very useful for businesses and influencers.

A big shoutout to Alex who has been extremely responsive and helpful. Looking at the roadmap I am confident this product will only get better over time so I'm very happy with my investment.

Founder Team


Jun 18, 2024

Thanks Brendan for your kind words! We have big plans for Marvin and reviews like this can hopefully convince more to put their faith in an early stage startup!
