Q: how is sheer seo better than ranks pro ( also on appsumo)
what advantage have you over rankspro
as it seems your limits are considerably lower !!

Jan 8, 2025A: Sorry. Never heard of that product.
Even if I did, I'm not going to compare my product to others.
I simply don't find that fair.
I guess there's no point in trying out a new and unknown product in that case like sheer seo as you don't want to show how your product could be better than your competitors. From the users comment, it seems there's no point trying your product based on your reply unless you want to potentially waste your time for upto two months.
How can I compare to a product I don't know?
It's not just about comparing to rankspro but it's regarding not comparing to your competition. If you had said I don't know rankspro and I'm unable to compare. That would be a fair comment IMO.
LearnWire (on YT) just made a full review about it, and gave his opinion compare to Sheer SEO.