I need some help after I purchased your application to set it up.
I did everything that has been updated in the sheets to set up, Post setup I have 2 problems.
Its not generating any content after I have write the prompt The side bar shows a error saying some AI models are not available in your current plan. Need to understand how do we resolve this.
Lastly, I have purchased this plan as noted below: I have already redeemed 1 promo code I had got 2 on app sumo: this says 5 user license when I shared the code with 2nd team mate to install and add the code it started given error saying “previous code already in use”
Have I understood it correct, meaning if 5 of my team mates can use this 2 license that I have purchased is it correct, Please do advise.
Please do check this link as well for Reference: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xc6mb99kus2a4u4ppxyxx/Hello-Sheet-Magic.pdf?rlkey=w65ea5rwh4dpd7rp7829mzaly&st=mhtf92iq&dl=0
Workflow: 1. I provide the product link in Gsheets (column a) 2. It gathers the following data columns -Manufacturer -Product Name -Price -Features -Description -Specs -Download product images and video to Gdrive folder for each product.
Not every product has these specific fields of information so it would be up to an AI model to decide where to fill in each column of information.
A: Best way to do this would probably be to scrape the whole page using =visit() function and then use the =aitext() function on the scraped page to try to find that info.
The download of project images directly to GDrive is not a thing that SheetMagic does though, but it can grab all the images from a page if you want and give you the link.
Share SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration
I would love to know the answer if this can be done and if yes, how.
Q: Need help setting API
Hi Curran.
I just bought two codes and am trying to set the API key. When I try to authenticate, it shows that Google has blocked the app. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/pQQxEKBbowmz.
A: It may be a security setting in your Google Workspace that is causing this. It could potentially be a security setting in your Google account itself as well, so I'd check your security settings for both of those or try it on a different Google Account in incognito mode
Share SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration
Hi, some questions. Can I scrape Google maps business infos. Can I format sheets with colors and fonts etc…? Can I ask the ai to give méananlitycs about the sheets on a certain cell? And I only use open router as an API. Why can’t I use this on tier one as its a byok anyway? It doesn’t change anything on your side !
A: Hi! Thanks for the questions! No, Google maps is not scrapable using SheetMagic unfortunately. As for the AI, this is mostly for getting a response from the AI in a specific cell and less about formatting.
For analytics, yeah you can probably do this, I am not sure exactly your goal there, but you can feed the AI a range of cells and ask questions about it or use it as input data.
As for...
Share SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration
Q: AITEXT worked but says "you exceeded your current quota" but i have not started yet. Please check the below link.
Share SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration
Q: Need Help on Setup of Sheet Magic
Hello Sheet Magic,
I need some help after I purchased your application to set it up.
I did everything that has been updated in the sheets to set up, Post setup I have 2 problems.
Its not generating any content after I have write the prompt
The side bar shows a error saying some AI models are not available in your current plan. Need to understand how do we resolve this.
Lastly, I have purchased this plan as noted below:
I have already redeemed 1 promo code I had got 2 on app sumo: this says 5 user license when I shared the code with 2nd team mate to install and add the code it started given error saying “previous code already in use”
Have I understood it correct, meaning if 5 of my team mates can use this 2 license that I have purchased is it correct, Please do advise.
Mar 7, 2025A: Hi - we responded via email. We'll continue there
Share SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration
Verified purchaser
Please do check this link as well for Reference: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xc6mb99kus2a4u4ppxyxx/Hello-Sheet-Magic.pdf?rlkey=w65ea5rwh4dpd7rp7829mzaly&st=mhtf92iq&dl=0
Verified purchaser
This has the Error screenshot mapped
Verified purchaser
AITEXT worked but it is says "you exceeded your current quota" but i have not started yet. Please check the below link.
Q: Scraping and enriching data
Can this be use to accomplish the following?
1. I provide the product link in Gsheets (column a)
2. It gathers the following data columns
-Product Name
-Download product images and video to Gdrive folder for each product.
Not every product has these specific fields of information so it would be up to an AI model to decide where to fill in each column of information.
Mar 5, 2025A: Best way to do this would probably be to scrape the whole page using =visit() function and then use the =aitext() function on the scraped page to try to find that info.
The download of project images directly to GDrive is not a thing that SheetMagic does though, but it can grab all the images from a page if you want and give you the link.
Share SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration
Verified purchaser
I would love to know the answer if this can be done and if yes, how.
Q: Need help setting API
Hi Curran.
I just bought two codes and am trying to set the API key. When I try to authenticate, it shows that Google has blocked the app. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/pQQxEKBbowmz.
What to do with it? How do I set the API?
Feb 21, 2025A: It may be a security setting in your Google Workspace that is causing this. It could potentially be a security setting in your Google account itself as well, so I'd check your security settings for both of those or try it on a different Google Account in incognito mode
Share SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration
Q: Google maps
Hi, some questions. Can I scrape Google maps business infos. Can I format sheets with colors and fonts etc…? Can I ask the ai to give méananlitycs about the sheets on a certain cell? And I only use open router as an API. Why can’t I use this on tier one as its a byok anyway? It doesn’t change anything on your side !
Feb 21, 2025A: Hi! Thanks for the questions! No, Google maps is not scrapable using SheetMagic unfortunately. As for the AI, this is mostly for getting a response from the AI in a specific cell and less about formatting.
For analytics, yeah you can probably do this, I am not sure exactly your goal there, but you can feed the AI a range of cells and ask questions about it or use it as input data.
As for...
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