Q: Need Help on Setup of Sheet Magic
Hello Sheet Magic,
I need some help after I purchased your application to set it up.
I did everything that has been updated in the sheets to set up, Post setup I have 2 problems.
Its not generating any content after I have write the prompt
The side bar shows a error saying some AI models are not available in your current plan. Need to understand how do we resolve this.
Lastly, I have purchased this plan as noted below:
I have already redeemed 1 promo code I had got 2 on app sumo: this says 5 user license when I shared the code with 2nd team mate to install and add the code it started given error saying “previous code already in use”
Have I understood it correct, meaning if 5 of my team mates can use this 2 license that I have purchased is it correct, Please do advise.

Mar 7, 2025A: Hi - we responded via email. We'll continue there

Verified purchaser
Please do check this link as well for Reference: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xc6mb99kus2a4u4ppxyxx/Hello-Sheet-Magic.pdf?rlkey=w65ea5rwh4dpd7rp7829mzaly&st=mhtf92iq&dl=0

Verified purchaser
This has the Error screenshot mapped

Verified purchaser
AITEXT worked but it is says "you exceeded your current quota" but i have not started yet. Please check the below link.