SheetMagic: ChatGPT + Google Sheets Integration

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Member since: Jul 2021Deals bought: 31
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5 stars
Posted: Aug 25, 2024

Worth 5 Tacos!

This is a pretty awesome tool. I do a lot of stuff, from agency SEO work to selling on Etsy, and this tool has streamlined my processes pretty significantly. It took a bit to get it setup (plugin deconfliction in Chrome) but once I got it, it was pretty easy.

People will complain that the formula re-runs every time the sheet is opened or every time they make minor changes to the dataset.... that has nothing to do with the developer... its just how functions are processed. Just keep it in mind depending on how much data you are working with and plan accordingly. For me, I have a spot where I can edit the inputs, and then I copy and paste those cells into the main formulas to run against the GPT.
