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Member since: Sep 2020Deals bought: 232
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Sep 11, 2024

This plugin has several issues and appears to be unreliable.

The description suggests that the ShopEngine plugin works with Gutenberg without the need to download Elementor. After redeeming my AppSumo code and creating an account with Wpmet, I downloaded and installed the ShopEngine plugin. However, I was surprised to see the following message on the WordPress dashboard: "ShopEngine requires Elementor version 3.0.0+, which is currently NOT RUNNING."

In response, I decided to download Elementor to test the ShopEngine plugin. When I attempted to activate the plugin through the ShopEngine License settings, the following steps were required:

1. Log in to your Wpmet account: I logged in but couldn't find my license key!

2. Generate a license key from Product Licenses, then "Manage Licenses":
After clicking "Manage Licenses," I was redirected to a completely irrelevant website:

This experience has raised serious concerns about the reliability and usability of the plugin.

Founder Team


Sep 11, 2024


It seems you've installed the Elementor addon. To fully utilize our Block plugin, you'll need to use the Blocks for ShopEngine plugin instead of the Elementor addon. You can find the Blocks for ShopEngine plugin here:

The "Manage Licenses" feature is functioning correctly on our end. Additionally, the Droplr link you shared isn't displaying any content.

If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team at We're here to assist you with any problems you may face.

It appears that some of our AppSumo users are confused about the rating. Please update the rating to avoid further misunderstandings.

Thank you!
