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Member since: Jul 2021Deals bought: 44
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 30, 2024

Excellent - would love a few tweaks

Very feature rich, we swapped out from Zoho desk to this product. KB, AI chat bot, customers can email in to create a ticket.
The missing features:
You can not send out a message, so if a customer calls in or you just want to reach out, there isn't a way to do that.
When you reply to a customer, it drops the subject line they used, so every reply to them is titled "You have new messages in your conversation" but that isn't exactly straightforward. So either keep/allow subject lines or let us set the subject line for all messages. We've noticed more customers saying we never got back to them because they saw that odd subject line and knew it wasn't the one they used to write us.

BUT they are improving and updating, so I'm confident they will get there!

Founder Team


May 27, 2024


Thank you for your review. We initially intended to maintain the same email thread for ongoing follow-ups, but technical challenges led to delays. Your explanation is very clear and helpful. We will revisit the issue and see what further actions can be taken.
