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Member since: Feb 2021Deals bought: 212
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Mar 12, 2024

Massive update! Awesome product and team.

So I actually purchased simplebase about a month or so ago, and was happy with the product as a place to host and organise my support docs...

I have just logged in again and seen some MASSIVE updates, including having a dedicated support email ticketing system + AI powered bot for my helpdesk etc...

Overall, I was blown away by the updates and the quality of the product. It is nice to see that some of the products that I have purchased on Appsumo actually go away and invest heavily into innovation and take onboard feedback from their customers.

Thanks for coming to Appsumo and providing these additional updates for previous purchasers. Awesome product and founding team!

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks for the review and positive feedback. We appreciate the support.
