Q: Is it possible to 'name' transfers if you are receiving multiple requests from one individual?

For example, if they use the same link. Can they name each transfer they send, instead of it just coming up as the same sender name?

Also, is there a way to download ALL files, without having to save each individually?

Does your system support all file types?

jennifer9336PLUSMar 5, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 6, 2025

A: Hi Jennifer,

When you create a transfer, you can assign it with a title or a message, for example "2024 Audit Papers" Or "Send me that cat video" . Each request can ingest an unlimited number of responses, and will be grouped by email address (if its provided) or the name of sender.

I believe what you mean is if the SAME sender uploads multiple times for the same request? If so they need to add a different message each time. In your dashboard > requests you will see (in the drop down list) the same sender name for each transfer they have sent -- Hope this makes sense. If you need some fine tuning, please do suggest this in our feature roadmap page and our team will look in to it.

As for downloading ALL files in the dashboard -- YES, we are a week away from releasing it -- stay tuned, we are aware this is a pain point for many users and ZIPPING them all is coming soon.

All file types - yes Sinosend can take in all file types, did you notice that it did not?


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