App and tracking works for me! Great tool, even if not yet perfect.
I don't understand why some people write here that the app supposedly doesn't work. I tried it out today, inserted the code snippet into a page and got matching tracking results directly in the dashboard.
Maybe not everything works perfectly yet, but it all looks pretty good to me already. I can't say anything about support at the moment, but if, as noted in the company and product FAQs, there are 3 people in the team just for support, then requests should (be able to) be answered within a few days. Let's hope it's just a temporary overload coupled with certain absences or a longer holiday period.
Tracking is really quick and easy to set up successfully.
And there are even a few nice special features with the headmap and the screen recordings and the user navigation map, which is not a matter of course for a tracking tool and service. Yes, these features still need to be further refined and optimised, but it's really cool that these features are included.
It's also great that the servers for GDPR and reliability are located in the EU / Germany!
The roadmap also looks promising, but unfortunately the track record is not easy to follow due to the lack of dates / history.
I very much hope that the team will step on the gas again and perhaps step up even further to provide the necessary support!