Room for improvement
First time purchaser and reviewer here.
I was super excited to try this out, and I think it has potential but so far I'm not super impressed.
Have run into a ton of bugs and after spending hours setting up a stack which I was hoping to use for our business, it's become unusable. I'm not sure if there is a limit of columns that can be supported but it will hang and never load certain views. (Using web app, desktop app or app on an android tablet. Still have to test ios app, assuming there is one)
Support from Rachit was great at first then completely disappeared.
"Speak to a human" option on the app opens a chat that doesn't get responded to.
Now I'm getting an "over limits" warning on my account despite being well within the usage limits.
I reached out to Rachit months ago about the following concerns and never received a response:
-Extremely long lag/load time between tables/stacks (Windows app & online version)
-Constantly kicked out and having to log back in
-Log in process sometimes takes minutes
-Always have a "new version available" pop-up when I do log in - clicking refresh does nothing (Windows app & online version)
-Apps do not work on the Windows App (Charts specifically)
-Apps should not have to go to “sleep” and are painfully slow to refresh/load
-Apps sidebar often conflicts with grid view and gets "stuck"
-Page designer becomes unresponsive and will no longer load/work once you add a larger quantity of fields
So far, I feel like I wasted $1k + with multiple seats and add-ons purchased directly from the creator.
I'm hoping these issues get addressed and some serious updates come soon, but so far I regret investing money in this.

Mar 3, 2025Hello there,
I tried reaching out to you to multiple times, even on email but no reply :)
1. All the load times are optimized now. We've not faced any such issue reported by any of our user so far.
2. New version available - let's you update the cache and all the new improvements on the backend will be taken care of. Not necessary any changes on the frontend.
3. It does work. Charts on Windows and Mac Apps.
4. It works as intended already.
5. We've not seen any such issue so far. Please report with a screen recording and send it to
6. Again, have not encountered these issues on Page Designer on our end. Our users are successfully using the page designer app, with many fields.
Please retest these issues and let us know on our support chat and we're ready to help!