Q: Brands and emails

How many brands can I use in SD?

How many subscribers can I have and how many emails and sequences can we send per month?

Were can I find more information about the LMS?

I sell digital products, but hoping this platform can help me manage and segment all my data sources.

ChachiPLUSSep 18, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Hi Chachi!

RE: Brands. For more than one separate businesses, you'll need to have multiple separate accounts. We don't support multiple brands in one account. Truthfully, the White Labeling is so deeply integrated that it would very difficult to properly handle the many many scenarios that would need to be handled.

RE: LMS. Here's a video that goes over the basics --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRGNU7mJY2I

Hope that helps!

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Posted: Sep 19, 2024

pls answer regarding the emails...

Posted: Sep 20, 2024

Hi Chachi,

I am sorry I missed that question.
Subscribers are not limited within the system. You can have unlimited Audiences and Subscribers in the Audiences.
Email sending will depend on the service used to send Marketing emails.
Please see her for details on email sending options: https://help.suitedash.com/article/103-marketing-email-sending-settings
