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Member since: Jul 2020Deals bought: 67
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 5, 2024


They have all you need to run your business. One of the downsides was they only had integration with zapier but now they launched API, webhooks and you find them in other integration platforms. They continue and continue launching updates, improving the functionalities and creating things that you did not know you needed but definitely make you life easier. And the best of all it is HIPAA.

I would like to see a powerups deal here too, no brainer!

Founder Team


Sep 5, 2024

Hi juano

Thanks for the kind words 🙂

It’s great to see that you appreciate how we keep the updates coming, and we love that you’ve noticed how we like to surprise our users with those “I didn’t even know I needed this!” features. That usually happens when one or two SuiteMates make a comment or request, we see that and say "that's a really good idea" and then fast-track it to LIVE. That's the magic of Community-powered development - one SuiteMate's good idea becomes a usable feature for the whole Community!

You’re spot-on with the API, webhooks and multiple integrations platforms (Zapier, Pabbly, Make, Integrately, KonnectzIT, SureTriggers, and more!) —bringing in more integration flexibility has been a big initiative for us, and it’s awesome to hear it’s making your life easier. Plus, the HIPAA compliance is always a big winner!

Thanks for being such an engaged and insightful part of our SuiteDash Community. We’re grateful to have you with us, and we’re excited to keep delivering what you need (and maybe a few things you didn’t know you needed yet 😉)!

All the best,

