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Member since: Aug 2021Deals bought: 21
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Sep 10, 2024

It's not you, it's me

I have Supermachine and I resisted the urge to get a refund in hopes that it will have a bright future, which seems like a viable hope. They do actively work on it, but I also struggle to get anything worth keeping. I find myself going back once a month and spending a few hours retrying my prompt ideas that work fine on other monthly subscription platforms, only to find I still suck at making prompts for the Supermachine. I'm going to keep...

Founder Team


Sep 11, 2024

Hey, thanks for the review. We keep improving and adding new things. Check out the image 2 image workflows we have recently added - They should give you better outputs from a reference. Please also try the Flux models which are a lot simpler to prompt than the other models.

We're working on a few more optimizations to get the right models for the task at hand easier to find from all the others and should have that complete within the next 2 weeks.
