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Member since: Jun 2023Deals bought: 34
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2 stars
Posted: Sep 7, 2024


Just in case some missed the info like me.

I was looking for an alternative to mimicPC, simpler to use, with all open source models. It's not sensored, so use at your own risks.

But there are too much custom models which are outdated and don't provide any satisfying result. I wish we could set a default model or archive the useless ones created by supermachine.

Maybe it will evolve in the future and luckily for us they added Flux which is far better than all the other models. Maybe SD3 is next?
So there is hope the tool becomes useful in the next years.

I would also expect more Lora sliders to better adjust character and scene descriptions.

Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

Thanks for the review. We will be organizing and tidying up the models with better system for navigating in the near future. We have made it even easier now to save the models that you like to find them quicker for future use.

In terms of Mimic, their model is interesting but by preloading a bunch of non-commercial properties into their product, I'm not such a fan ethically and I'm not sure they share that information with their users either. Using non-commercial products in a commercial sense is theft and we always adhere to licenses and ensure that Supermachine is run in an ethical way.

In terms of censorship, we do not censor. We have a very libertarian attitude to image generation and think adults should be allowed to be adults. The only caveat in this, is illegal content. If you try to produce illegal content with Supermachine, we don't want you on the platform. Simple as. Our algorithms do check for this but ultimately all decisions are made by humans so chances of false positives with action taken is zero.
