Pretty, polished looking but cumbersome and lacking features.
I have edited this review and added my comments above my original post.
1 - that settings button on the bottom of the screen in the screenshot of the google docs does show me much more context in the settings. I do not see that at all on my monitor, which you state you will be creating a dynamic screen in the next release, that means I should the elements I am missing.
2 - I think it would help if you changed your wording - download immediately after tracking has no context in me understanding it means - downloading everything. I believe this is a language issue and that I understand can be difficult to translate easily. - Something like, 'click here to download full channel' would tell me to uncheck it. Does that make sense?
Nothing I said was 'false' or attempting to compare you directly with 4Kdownloader. I bought your product with genuine anticipation. That 'settings' button being down the bottom when I can't even see the icons is part of your problem.
I have purchased tens of thousands of dollars of software, some expensive, some not, and I am in the developing environment myself. Hurt feelings don't cut it. I do appreciate your input and will consider that when I see the next release.
One extra star for effort, even though for me, nothing has changed.
I'll be honest, I've been using the 4k Downloader suite for some time and recently it's gone a bit flakey - I guess YT is consistently updating their efforts to foil downloaders who don't sign in.
I bought this with the expectation of having a similar, maybe better outcome.
It is lacking so many features that I was used to, which I don't think are unreasonable.
1 - downloading a channel from this point forward, not the whole back catalogue. Truly - if someone has 3,000 videos, and it's 1tb probably of content, and you've not got 17 light years to watch it, then why not have an option to ask. .. Subscribe, Subscribe and download all, and Subscribe and download future videos.
2 - Where on earth do the videos go? Some parts of the product have got an identifying place, others I can't work out where to view it. I've looked several times, maybe it was a boy look, I don't know but it wasn't logical enough for me to navigate through intuitively to find out where it was downloaded.
3 - So, I'm testing to find out if I can download a play list - but it doesn't give context of folder of who the play list belongs to.
4 - I have a 50" monitor - it's set to have slightly larger font and when the program opens, it opens always below the windowand I can't minimise it at all to see if there is something on the bottom I'm missing out on. Maybe I'm being petty, but is it possible all these things are hidden somewhere I am not looking? I"ll never know, because I can't pull that fixed window up. I get a sneak of the tops of the icons I recognise as being fb, yt, insta maybe? I don't know I can't see it so it's just a myth to me.
5 - When I click tracking, and then set my download time, and then look for downloading or downloaded, it comes back to folder of files that aren't actually in the context window of the channel I'm looking at downloading.
6 - where is the overview of where my files get downloaded to? I would have expected some 'settings' to allow me to choose a folder, or give me some context as to what I've downloaded in some sort of order.
What's good about it -
The speed is pretty good but that's because all I can do is add in individual videos unless I want to download the internet in one large dump because if I add in all my current channels I am subscribed to but it wants to download everything I already have. It's simplicity is good for the non thinking, non creative apple users who might believe that less is best and the developer who created pretty icons knows it all.
I'd have settled for a little less pretty, but leaving some thinking and options to the end user - like... where will my downloads be stored. ... I think even an apple user would like that
I think those who are stating it's the bees knees and best they've ever had have not used or paid for 4K downloader which also has an insta, ticktok can download fb and other videos although not subscribe to them.
I think it's only value will be the amount of sites it can parse and download individually, and I'll still continue to test it for the next 60 days, and if it resolves some of my other difficult downloads I have experienced, then it's good for a backup but as really good product, I'll reserve my opinion on that.
Yeah I know I sound a bit snarky but I'm an old frt.... I have expectations and the reviews read so well I got sucked in. I'll try to like it because there are not alot of consistently updated good products when it comes to video downloads. .... and why do I download them and not watch them online, because I hate being part of the algorithms and this is just another nice way to stop the giants from following me around the interwebs.

Edited Mar 5, 2025Thank you for your update. I now understand that the screen compatibility issue caused the UI not to display fully, leading to several problems. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Is there a way to use the video downloader on a smaller screen temporarily?
We appreciate your suggestion and will consider optimizing the wording for better accuracy.
Thanks again for your reply and update; it has been very helpful.
Hello, thanks for your review and I appreciate that you write a long review for us. However, some of the information is untrue. Please check our answer in this Google Doc:
As the review is too long, to better answer you, I wrote the answer in this online doc file.
I am looking forward to your updated feedback. Thanks!
In shorts:
1. There are multiple places to check the download folders. Just a little attention。
2. You can choose to download all or future videos when tracking a channel.
3. For the display issue in large screen, we will optimize it in the next version. Thanks!