Q: My questions


Does ltd taku allow me to create and install taku on my clients sites? If so, can I create a sub-account for them?

Is Polish language available?

How do push notifications work and do they work well?

Where do responses from forms fall in? What fields in the forms can I use?

Can I install different widgets on the subpages of my website so, for example, if I offer 3 different services I would like to install a "what's new" widget for each of them separately?

applikeSep 14, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: You can't create sub accounts. You can invite people to your projects though.

Polish is available

Push notification work, and your users can subscribe to them via Taku widget

Responses from form are kept on our side, but you export them as CSV or setup webhooks to integrate it into your system.

Yes you can install different widgets on different pages.

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