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Member since: Apr 2017Deals bought: 22
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1 stars
Posted: Oct 4, 2022

Doesn't work / Totally bugged

I wish I could post screenshots so you can see the problem.
First time I tried TalenSheets, I quickly went to add Instagram profiles and right away there was an issue: there's absolutely no data pulled (it says the app is busy pulling the data and that I should come back in 24hrs but we all know it's an automatic message that just means it will never ever work...) and when I tried to actually enter the info in the sheet, it just fills up one cell with 'www.instagram.com'... Thanx for nothing.
Then I tried to go on YouTube. Again, zero data, oh well, that's not entirely true, it said only one thing: '5 subscribers' whereas the profile actually has 5,500 subs...
Trying to pull this BS data into the sheet had no effect again, I just got an error '[object object]' within the chrome extension.
I will ask for a refund right away and I wish AppSumo to whom I've been giving loads of cash for more than 7 years would check the apps they have for sale on their store.
