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Verified purchaser

Member since: Oct 2023Deals bought: 68
5 stars
5 stars
Edited Sep 17, 2024

Jaw droppingly capable!

So having come from trying another email marketing tool lifetime deal (no names), which despite a pleasing interface, I found to be underdeveloped and underwhelming, I decided to try Tarvent with modest expectations.

And I have to say I have been blown away! Let me list a few of the things that I really rate about this software:
1) Quick delivery of emails - sounds like a no brainer but the other platform had delays of up to 12 hours.
2) Very smart and intuitive campaign builder
3) Logical contact infrastructure, and powerful search/sort tools
4) Automation - this is top drawer. I came from GetResponse, and this is up there and even better in some areas. Massively flexible, but with a simple interface
5) Dynamic content - Wow, I was not expecting this! The ability to personalise your email not just with a name, but with a whole content block - super powerful!

Lots of other pleasing features and touches, questions answered quickly, detailed help files and tutorials, I haven't even looked at Landing Pages and Surveys yet - overall a feeling of being well thought out and well cared for, with a responsive team

Stongly recommend you take advantage of this deal, it's a stonker!

Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

Thanks for the fantastic review (and great title)!!! If we could give the most unawkward hug right now, we would. ๐Ÿคฃ Yep, we're huggers. Instead, we're giving high-fives in the office. I hope more of our AppSumo customers leave reviews like this! Thanks again!
