Texta.ai - The #1 WordPress Blog Automation / Article Writer / Autoblogging

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Member since: Jan 2021Deals bought: 31
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Jun 26, 2024

Code Redemption Did NOT Work, Kept prompting to upgrade my account, customer service is virtually nonexistent.

After I redeemed this offer, I tried out the software. It wrote one article for me. When I tried to set up the auto publish on my blog, it informed me that I needed to upgrade my account. When I tried to generate another article, it told me I needed to upgrade my account. I reached out to customer service. It took them four days to get back to me. Angelica assured me that she would promptly send my information to their technical team for a thorough investigation. In her email she said, "Rest assured, your issue will be given top priority and we will provide you with updates as soon as we receive feedback from our team." We are now six days later and I have heard nothing from anyone. I have sent 2 emails requesting an update to no avail. I was looking forward to utilizing their services.
