Texta.ai - The #1 WordPress Blog Automation / Article Writer / Autoblogging

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Member since: May 2022Deals bought: 16
1 stars
1 stars
Edited Sep 20, 2024

Disappointed – Product Doesn’t Work, Feels Like a Scam

I purchased Texta.ai through AppSumo, but it has been a huge disappointment. From the moment I tried to use the product, it became clear that it doesn't work as promised. Features are either broken, missing, or simply fail to function properly.

Despite multiple attempts to troubleshoot and reach out for support, I’ve had no success in getting the platform to do what it's supposed to. It's frustrating to invest money in a tool that not only fails to deliver on its advertised capabilities but also wastes my time.

I feel like I’ve been misled by both Texta.ai and AppSumo, and I regret purchasing this product. I am requesting a full refund because this tool is completely unusable. I wouldn’t recommend Texta.ai to anyone—avoid this product at all costs unless you want to throw your money away!
