Texta.ai - The #1 WordPress Blog Automation / Article Writer / Autoblogging

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Member since: Sep 2017Deals bought: 471
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Posted: Jun 6, 2024

Hi, we don't know if you at TEXTA.AI are unaware or trying to deceive us buyers.

Hi, we don't know if you at TEXTA.AI are unaware or trying to deceive us buyers.

We ask APPSUMO to intervene with the sellers of TEXTA.AI because we feel deceived by these sellers.

We bought TEXTA.AI 2 years ago and since then we have been having only problems with this Application. THEY DO NOT COMPLY WITH WHAT THEY PUT HERE IN THE APPSUMO SALES LETTER. Not even now after 2 years.

We still don't have the PREMIUM version. Although they have already confirmed to us that we do have it.

We have asked support several times to indicate where within the APP "Not the Chrome version because that is not part of the deal here in APPSUMO, we know that" but in the APP or on the WEB supposedly everything is included.
Well, it's not like that. Because today, June 7, 2024, when writing an article and wanting to put the keywords, the APP asks us to upgrade to the BUSINESS VERSION. So they are not included or, as we have said on several occasions, we do not have the PREMIUM version which in our LTD case is equivalent to the monthly paid BUSINESS version on their page.

No article goes above 74% in the BLOG POST SCORE. And that's because they lack... KEYWORDS in the TITLE and in the META DESCRIPTION.

Another thing, the translation from English to Spanish is mediocre, not at all accurate. It uses incoherent words that have nothing to do with the article and also mixes between English and Spanish, writing in the article mixing the two languages. That's why I don't think GPT4 writes that, at most it can be GPT 3.5 or another cheap AI that is not coherent.

If it didn't have these flaws of incoherent words and some things not working for 2 years. Either they don't want to fix them or they are not interested or they have regretted the LTD sale here in APPSUMO.

Another thing, the support is bad, no, terrible. They don't respond and if they do, after weeks. Just like here, they respond after weeks without answering. And if they answer, we can all see it here, they only answer some that interest them, 80% are not answered.

I don't think they will respond to what I'm writing. Although we would be delighted if they answered us to change a little bit.

P.S.: If TEXTA.AI worked correctly and the sellers kept their word and activated everything they have promised and written here in the sales letter, TEXTA.AI would be a TOP APP because it looks like a good APP and the idea is very useful to work in our businesses. We liked it a lot when we bought it and when we saw the update too. What we don't like, well, we have already said that in what we have written previously.
We request that you activate our PREMIUM version and not the PERSONAL version that is what appears to us. And we request APPSUMO to intervene.

And please, don't use the old trick "Contact support", guys, if we have already written to support 1000 times and you don't do anything in 2 years, which is incredible.

Have a good day.
