8 reviews|Product detailsSearchSort by:Latest replyShowing 1 - 2 of 2 questionsQ: Do I need to register a new username and password to access SumoPlus in addition to the username and password I already have in AppSumo?107714942459392235055PLUSMay 16, 2024See detailComment (1)ShareShare The Sauce - Plus exclusive Helpful?0Log in to join the conversationLog inFounderKatie_AppSumoPLUSVerified purchaserPosted: Jun 12, 2024Hey there! Yes, you'll need to create a separate account for The Sauce, but please use your AppSumo Plus email!Q: Do i lose my access to sauce when my AppSumo plus expires at end of year ?ChiefPLUSFeb 8, 2024See detailComment (3)ShareShare The Sauce - Plus exclusive Helpful?8Log in to join the conversationLog inFounderKatie_AppSumoPLUSVerified purchaserPosted: Feb 8, 2024Hey there! Yes, The Sauce is only available for active Plus members :)104405376888397654944Posted: Feb 20, 2024caciwe9166@mailnest.net114425311295350207230Posted: Mar 30, 2024https://appsumo.com/products/plus-2019/?utm_source=plus-2019-share-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=plus-2019-share-link-1735
Q: Do I need to register a new username and password to access SumoPlus in addition to the username and password I already have in AppSumo?
Share The Sauce - Plus exclusive
Verified purchaser
Hey there! Yes, you'll need to create a separate account for The Sauce, but please use your AppSumo Plus email!
Q: Do i lose my access to sauce when my AppSumo plus expires at end of year ?
Share The Sauce - Plus exclusive
Verified purchaser
Hey there! Yes, The Sauce is only available for active Plus members :)