Q: Old / New Plan

We have an older plan.
Current plans are very different on featureset.
TidyCal says see AppSumo to upgrade. AppSumo says no upgrade since we got our plan through AppSumo Pro/Plus.
I had no response to followup asking if we get new plan, what happens next?
Do I need to use a different email account for the new plan?
Will getting a new plan over-write the existing plan if I use the same email account?
Can you please clarify the steps, consequences, chain of events, or whatever?

ptdmarketingPLUSEdited Jan 29, 2025
Founder Team


Jan 29, 2025

A: Hey, ptdmarketing!

The Tier 1/Individual plan, and your TidyCal "Plus" freebie plan are identical. There's no difference on the feature set. They are exactly the same.

The only difference is we *added* a new plan (Tier 2) specifically designed for agencies/teams. Unfortunately, because of restrictions on deal setup/licensing, the Plus freebie cannot be upgraded to Tier 2 (where as the "normal" purchased Tier 1 can). If you want to upgrade your Plus freebie Tier 1 to Tier 2, the only option is to buy a new Tier 1 separately and upgrade that.

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