Q: 100M Character Limit

100M Character Limit is for each chatbot right?

aviralxPLUSSep 5, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hello,

Tier 7 includes unlimited chatbots and provides a collective allowance of 100M characters for the entire account, to be shared across all chatbots.

All the best,
Tiny Talk Team

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Posted: Sep 7, 2024

Oh. Actually its not nearly enough for plan 7 as most people who take higher plans are agency owners.. This limit will get utilized in 3-4 website's training data. The Unlimited chatbots wint make sense. Any plans to or possiblity to set a per chatbot limit?

Posted: Sep 14, 2024

Hi 👋

We plan to introduce monthly add-on packs to increase character capacity. We can consider setting character limit per chatbot, would you mind telling us about your use case when setting character limit per chatbot? That would help us understand the motivation better and consider other details around it.

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All the best,
Tiny Talk Team