Q: Is their an option to revise the anwer of the ai chatbot?

Will their be an option to correct or revise the answer that the chatbot gives? Will their also be an feauture available that the chatbot can be trained on Q&A data? Can the chatbot send images in the answers?

Also is their an workflow option available to make path for the bot to answer queistions?

hello4832PLUSFeb 25, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 1, 2025

A: Hello!

At the moment chatbot doesn't send images, but we'll be working on this as it is a highly requested feature.

When you say "trained on Q&A data", do you mean the questions and answers given by your chatbot already? Or a separate data set? You can already upload a data set and train your chatbot. Please help me understand your question.

There is no explicit workflow, this is generally done by using the system prompt.

Hope this helps!

All the best,

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Posted: Mar 3, 2025

I mean answers already given by the chatbot. Can you revise those? And does the chatbot learn automaticly from conversations with clients?