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Member since: Mar 2023Deals bought: 75
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 5, 2024

Great Tool!

Just discovered this and tried and better than expected! I use a similar tool called Alphana that does a similar job only difference is that it has more prompts and lets you create short videos automatically from long videos.

Transcript however is fast which I like!

To the founder I would recommend adding some more prompts so it matches what some similar tools offer:

-Option to create Short videos from the uploaded videos (This should be a priority) will help marketers, educators, businesses who want to share short clips of meetings or videos internally or on social media.
-Add more AI Models like Sonnet etc instead of only Chat GPT to get different response options (would be great as some models offer better responses)
-Add more Meeting Note prompt options
-More content generation options for social and websites

Founder Team


Sep 7, 2024

Thank you very much for the kind review. We are already working on some of the features you suggested. Look out for our email soon!
