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Member since: Jul 2024Deals bought: 6
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Sep 12, 2024

SO, so...

I thought about how I should rate it... and it's 3.5/5.

* **English transcriptions: 4/5** - OK, could be better compared to other solutions. Most repetitive mistakes: "1" instead of "one," even in contexts like "1 of them," capitalizing words in the middle of sentences, occasional misspellings.
* **Polish transcriptions: 3/5** - More misspellings, "1" instead of "one" (which means "they" in Polish, making no sense at all), the same capitalization issues.
* **Speed: 5/5** - It's really fast.
* **UI/UX: 3/5** - No tags/folders, so it gets messy quickly. Also, no way to play audio and watch the corresponding transcription to validate it.

And probably the most important point, which makes me want a refund - there doesn't seem to be much active development. The last change log is from December 2023 (, and a simple user request to add some way to organize transcripts is 10 months old (

I've compared it with Turboscribe, which scores better on all the above points.
