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Member since: Mar 2023Deals bought: 75
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Jul 12, 2024

Has potential but falls short vs price

This product seemed interesting when I first opened it, but after using it for a while, I realize the value I am getting from the tool is below what I paid. It is expensive for what it offers. It functions like a stock tracker with scores indicating when to buy, but it lacks graphs for further analysis. Additionally, the stock prices don't show up on the mobile version, and the prices on the desktop version are not in real-time, as the data only refreshes once a day, making short-term stock decisions difficult.

Founder Team


Jul 15, 2024

Hello and thanks for the honest review. Tykr if focused on value investing so we update our prices once per day. We may add real-time pricing down the road. If you're more into day trading, then you may be interested in using TradingView.
